OBO Ski Club, although no official records exist its widely believed it was established in the summer of 1978 in Brisbane, Queensland by a family of 8 brothers, upon receiving a gift in the form of a ski boat from their hard working father. There is some suggestion that the boat was to be used commercially for ski lessons for fellow students at Queensland University ... to earn whats referred to as 'beer money', however other information suggests that they just skied socially, drank beer in it and also used it to impress women. A traditional that still continues to this day. Scamp IV, was the name given to the ski boat, and the name was proudly written on the side of the boat using a stolen paint brush and supplies from the Queensland University art department. In the late 1980s the club along with Scamp IV migrated south to Carrara, on the Gold Coast. Apparently there are 10 rules that the inaugural members scripted however no such records have ever been found, membership is very exclusive, in fact it's possibly the most exclusive club in the world because you can only be a member if your a direct descendent of Richard 'OO' Holt, otherwise known as 'Dick'. Members mostly consist of males aged 20-30 years of age, generally these members enjoy drinking beer, skiing for long periods and chasing women. The majority are well educated, intelligent, caring but can be brazen and often foolhardy in there search for the best water on the river, legend has it that they sometimes members will wait till after sunset when the water is smooth, there are no other boats and the wind has stopped blowing to barefoot down the shark infested Nerang river. Witnesses have also seen Scamp IV been driven illegally without an observer, towing a barefooter under bridges and through navigation beckons, something that is highly illegal. When on the river you can usually hear the club before you can see them - such is the noise created by the boat, skier and its passengers. Often skiers are yelling, laughing and smiling, and occasionally looking for scantly clad women in nearby houses. When finding 'glass water' quite often the skier can be heard yelling 'koooooowheeee', some believe its a call made famous by the famous Australian actor Michael 'Crocodile' Dundee, in the movie Crocodile Dundee, others believe its a warning to other member on the bank to save them a beer. There is much conjecture to the truth. It's believed there is a handshake, which is top secret and can't be shared publicly - however it's similar to that used by Michael 'Crocodile' Dundee and his mate Leroy Brown, again from the film Crocodile Dundee.